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Our Journey – Year 11 to the Present

The Brotherhood of The Book
“Our journey expands . . .”

2023 – 2024

September 2023 to August of 2024, our group turns eleven. For the school year, Michael Bailey led us though a detailed study of 2 Peter. This book has so much encouragement to offer in the midst of trails, struggles and hardships. It’s always been a part of a believers life journey.

And yet in the midst of trials, Peter exhorts us to pray. So to that end, we also focused our time and effort to expand our prayer life by having focused small group prayer times once a month. Prayer – “Talk to Papa” was the rhythm of a man’s heart that we focused on for this year.

Creating a Mission Vision Statement

In October, we had a leadership retreat at Long Beach and did some amazing work. We came up with our own Mission / Vision Statement. As it turned out, Levi and Amy Collins lived down in Long Beach Washington close to where we were staying. He came and helped lead us through all the questions needed to get our thoughts and ideas on paper. It took just thirty minutes for Levi to help us discover our Mission Statement and forty five minutes to uncover our Vision Statement. While we all had ideas of what our mission and vision might be, it wasn’t until we saw it on paper that we all just knew, “That’s it!” We were all thankful for Levi’s leadership in the process.

The Brotherhood Mission Statement
“Discipling men of all ages in their pursuit of loving God 
with all their hearts, all their lives.”  
Matthew 22:36-40

The Brotherhood Vision Statement
“Engaging with the Word of God, to equip and encourage The Brotherhood, in pursuing God and blessing others.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17

1 thought on “Our Journey – Year 11 to the Present”

  1. Hi Mike,
    I spent a while looking over the Brotherhood website again. It looks awesome! I so appreciate all of your effort spending time doing your best on behalf of the Brotherhood. Thank you for all you do and I’m proud to be part of the team alongside you.


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